viernes, 2 de octubre de 2020


 Tareas indicadas al grupo entre el Lunes 5 al Viernes 9 de Octubre.

6 comentarios:


    Do a 50 irregular verbs list by hand on your notebook, (the ones you prefer). Conjugate them on present (base form), past, past participle and Spanish translation:

    Irregular verbs

    Base form(present) Past Past participle Spanish




    And send it by AULA ESCOLAR platform on space provided.

  2. Las tareas de química para está semana son:
    1. Modelo atómico de Bohr
    2. Electrones de valencia y ejercicios.
    3. Proyecto.

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. ACTIVITY 15. Hello everybody. We were reviewing in the class the vocabulary of the Word list 1. Do the exeercise 2 of Student´s book page 13 (attachment) . Match the photos with the words and write the words under each picture. Exercise 3. Read the vocabulary box. Find six places in the word snake to complete nouns 1-6. Exercise 4. Complete the article with words from Ex. 2 and 3.

    Workbook page 9 (attachment). Exercise 1 Complete the crossword. Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the correct words. Use one word from each box.

  5. ENGLISH A2 +
    ACTIVITY 1. Hello everybody. Today we were reviewing the Articles a / an / the in Grammar. Do page 12 of Student´s book (attachment in the Aula Escolar) exercise 1 Read the Grammar box and match the examples with the sentences. Exercise 3 Complete the sentences with the correct article or no article. Exercise 4. Choose the correct words to complete the comments. Exercise 5. Add the article a / an or the where neccesary.

    Do for homework Workbook page 8 (attachmentt in the Aula Escolar) exercise 1 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences Exercise 3Read and say which sentence is correct or incorrect Exercise 4 Read the blog and complete with the correct article or no article if it´s not neccesary.. See you on Friday.

  6. Durante esta semana, no se dejaran tareas ya que se va a realizar un repaso general. Sólo revisar que no deba tareas. Gracias


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